The Schuko modular system - extendable any time!

Schuko has developed a modular system which holds an enormousvariation potential. Exhaust-air cleaning can be optimized with respect toyour individual range of applications.

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Industrial vacuum cleaners

Ruwac mobile and stationary industrial vacuum cleaners - for fine dust, chips, liquids and explosive dusts

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Large selection of industrial hoses and aspiration parts in stock

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Proventi teenused

- Free consultation
- Primary surveying
- Analysis and reports of power consumption of factory industrial ventilation and filter systems
- Renovation and automation of dust extraction and piping
- Consultation on buying or selling used filter systems and fans
- Prior consultation and installation supervision of industrial ventilation systems to be installed

Exhaust openings and intake
Operating pressure of filter system, fans and piping (Pa)
Air pollution
Evaluation and analysis of Dust collector condition

Extraction of gas and fumes from welding and metal cutting
Complete filter system solutions
Fans with suitable operating pressure and air volume
Piping dimensioning
Work environment cleaning solutions

Maintenance and installation of filter systems
Ducting installation
Cleaning of pipes, fans, switchboards and other dust-covered components (ATEX requirement)

Vacuum cleaner rental (submit request)
Chip vacuum cleaner rental (submit request)

Danger of explosion may occur if working with flammable chemicals or dust. Flammable substances can be raw materials used in production, intermediates, end products or waste from the daily work process.

RUWAC industrial vacuum cleaners

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